Although they might seem like a quick solution to promote your business, marketing gimmicks might not yield the results you need, or want.
Instead of these quick fixes that might expose you to a larger market that’s completely wrong for your business, you should instead focus on the goals you want to achieve and oftentimes that may be your existing client roster. The channels you already have at your disposal – your lobby or waiting room, email list and newsletters, can be very effective.
Let’s start with your lobby/waiting room. Do you have a TV? They’re worth investing in to display your marketing, not necessarily to entertain your clients. Plus, TVs are more affordable.
Here are a few different ways we can produce video content for your business to display your marketing on your lobby and office TV system.
● Show Your Commercial
Video commercials can be used in many places. Including your lobby. Don’t have one? Make sure to connect with our team today.
● Advertise a Sale
We can do this with video or animated graphics. What better place to show and tell your current customers about your products!
● Display New Products/Services
This can also be done with photos or a video. If we don’t keep your customers informed, who will?
Email marketing helps you build a relationship with your customers. Today’s marketing is relationship based. Customers want to feel a connection to you and your company. They want to feel like they know you. You probably have a list of emails in a database. If not, start collecting them from your current customers. You can easily keep customers informed of sales, promotions, and new products with one email. What do we include in our email marketing messages?
Video. Video. Video.
Forrester Research and email marketing company Eloqua have each found that embedded video drastically improves the performance of email marketing materials, with B2B and B2C audiences showing the most engagement.
According to this research, including the word “video” in the subject line of an email increases open rates by 19 percent and it increases click-through rates by 65 percent!
That’s HUGE!
Now, you can’t just slap any old video into your email marketing. Video is multi-sensory, which captures a person’s attention with eyes and ears. The video should show and tell your clients about your products and services. This is where a video production company like Jetty Productions comes in handy! We’ll produce a customized package of videos and you’ll be set for the entire year of email marketing.
Here are a few steps we take when including successful videos in email marketing:
● Short and Simple. Keep videos under 90 seconds. You want to keep your viewers’ attention.
● Include a link. Embed your video into the email AND include a hyperlink thumbnail in your email that directs viewers to an external landing page.
● Don’t bury the video. The video should be at the top of the message. If it’s at the bottom, you run the risk of your prospects not scrolling down far enough and missing it.
For our clients, we can create a digital monthly or quarterly email newsletter aimed at your customers. If you have a hard copy snail mail newsletter, it’s time to think about turning it into a digital email newsletter. Digital newsletters are cost saving because you don’t have to work with a printing company, purchase postage, and it's a great way to “Go Green.”
The thought of creating a mini newspaper about your company can seem overwhelming. We simplify this for you with our multifaceted marketing plans customized for your business goals and objectives.
5 Marketing Tips To Follow:
Create a Content Plan
If you’re doing a quarterly newsletter, at the beginning of the year pick 4 themes/topics you’ll want to address each quarter relevant to your company. Picking a theme helps narrow the focus and eliminate overwhelm.
Craft Catchy Subject Lines
When you email the digital newsletter to your customers, you want to make sure they read it and see your hard work. Aim for a subject line that is 30 characters or less. Incorporate your newsletter theme/topic in the subject. Writing “Quarterly Update” in the subject is the best way to have your newsletter deleted!
Use a Newsletter template
There are lots of free email services, such as Mailchimp, that offer digital email templates. These templates are a great starting point if you’re new to this and allow you to drag and drop items directly into your digital newsletter.
Keep it simple
Just because it’s a newsletter, doesn’t mean you have to have 22 news articles inside. Less is more. You want to find the balance between selling and informing your customers.
Add Value with Video
Share a short video with a helpful tip for your customers, a demo of a product, or ask a client to send you a video testimonial. Remember, including video in emails increases your open rate by nearly 20% and make sure it’s at the top of the newsletter.
Jetty Productions provides proven marketing tools and
video solutions for businesses of all sizes.
Contact Us Today!